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From the Headmistress...
The warmest of welcomes to the 2023 edition of the High Times. The following pages are filled with memories from the 2022-2023 academic year here at High March – a wonderful record of everything we enjoyed together. As I take a sneaky peek at the contents, I am amazed by just how much we managed to squeeze in – and these are only the highlights!
Whilst each follows a familiar routine, every year is made special by our wonderful children, superb staff and supportive parents all coming together in a brilliant mix of enthusiasm, commitment, energy and fun. Whether it is in the many sporting competitions, the regular charity fundraising events or the variety of artistic and academic successes, throughout this annual we see all of these qualities in abundance.
This year, I would like to make special mention of the truly tireless and dedicated efforts, both creative and logistical, of the High March Ball committee who brought into being the most magical event. I am not often lost for words, but my first glimpse across the meadow on that balmy evening in June did render me speechless for a little while! As far as school balls go, I would say ours was pretty spectacular.
As I mentioned above, our superb staff play a big part in making each High March year special and it is through many generations of exceptional staff, reaching right back to 1926, that our commitment to providing the best possible education to our pupils can be traced. One figure who always embodied the qualities of enthusiasm, commitment, energy and fun during her long association with the school was Mrs Rosemary Chapples, mother of current directors, Belinda Avery and Michael Chapples, who was pupil, parent, teacher and governor over the past seventy-five years. On behalf of all the pupils and staff, past and present, I would like to thank Rosemary for her many years of service
to and support for the school – she will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. I am delighted that our new Art Scholarship, dedicated in her memory, will allow her kindness and friendship to continue in the years ahead.
I hope you all enjoy a happy wander through this treasure trove of memories and look forward to us making many more this year.
Warmest wishes,
Mrs Kate Gater Headmistress

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