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6HOUSESDAFFODIL HOUSE 2023/24It has been such an honour to be Daffodil House Captains 2024. We have had lots of fun organising activities to raise money for our chosen charities, the Alzheimer%u2019s Society and Marie Curie. At the Christmas Fair we ran the Tombola stall which was incredibly successful. There were many prizes to be won so it was a popular stall. We had a lot of fun on Daffodil House Day! We organised some activities based on our charities: memory game; guess the name of the bunny; guess how many sweets in the jar; cupcake decorating; and brain games. We also organised a %u201cwhat%u2019s missing%u201d game where different yellow objects were on the table and a Daffodil took something away and you had to guess what%u2019s missing. We had so much fun cheering and supporting our house. Thank you for choosing us as your House Captains and we hope next year%u2019s House Captains will love the role as much as we have. Daffodil House CaptainsROSE HOUSE 2023/24Thank you so much for voting for us to be your Rose House Captains. We have had such an amazing time being your Captains for 2023-2024. We have loved planning Rose House Day and we would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us: the Year 6 Roses who ran the stalls; Mrs Ivey; Mr Gater; and Clara Higgs, a High March alumna, who was our special guest for the day, and who helped run activities. Rose House Day was really enjoyable and memorable as it was our last house day. We raised money for these very deserving charities: World Vision; Cancer Research; and The Meningitis Foundation. Rose House Captains6