Page 18 - HIGHTIMES_2022-3
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It has once again been a busy year for Drama at High March. In the Autumn term, the Year 5 girls performed class assemblies with a social or moral message to the rest of the school whilst the Year 6 girls performed poems and readings in the Harvest Festival, Remembrance Service and the Carol Service.
In the Spring term, Years 4 to 6 presented their LAMDA exam pieces ahead of their exams in March and, as drama prefect, it was my job to introduce these, which was a bit scary but gave me the opportunity to do something by myself. I was also able to see some of the Year 5 pieces which was fun! We ended the term with a performance of The Jungle Book - well done to everyone in Year 4 - you did a fantastic job!
The summer term was all about Shrek! Lot of teachers worked tirelessly to make props and costumes, and I think they enjoyed doing the crazy hair and make-up and making us green! Shrek was hard work, and we were very tired by the end, but it was an enjoyable experience and a great way to end our time at High March. We will remember it forever!
The best thing about being a Drama Prefect has been helping Mrs L-B sort out the costume cupboard and trying on the costumes and wigs! I also enjoyed spending time in the Speech and Drama room making props for Shrek - it made me appreciate how much work and thought goes into creating a show. Thank you so much to Mrs L-B for all of her support this year in drama -you have done an amazing job!
Well done to everyone who has taken part in a Drama event this year - you are all amazing and I can’t wait to see what you all produce next year!
Alaina Mills - Drama Prefect

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